
Eliminate These Words and Change Your Thoughts

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Did you know that you can tell what somebody is like within the first few minutes of them speaking by listening to the words they choose? Did you know the words we use ourselves can have an impact on our physical and emotional feelings? As I launch my website I was reminded of one of the first concepts I taught myself.

I chose to eliminate three words and phrases because I found a pattern in my reactions and feelings that I did not like when I used them. They made my heart race, gave me sweats, stomach pains and or headaches.

Who wants any of those?

When I took my mindful course I was taught how our negative words and thoughts can really have an effect on our bodies. As a result of more positive thinking, we can have a stronger and healthier impact.

So here they are:


By definition this unpleasant word is used to indicate obligation, duty, or correctness, typically when criticizing someone’s actions.

Does that sound positive?

I was getting stressed and frustrated when figuring out my website. For example should I use this kind of photo, this platform for blogging, or should I really blog once a month? Should i write a newsletter, should I even write stuff when I’m not a writer? Oh and should I launch before the holidays?

All these should’s made me feel like I wasn’t doing something that I was supposed to be doing and then I would feel guilty, stressed, or full of doubt. I didn’t like that in this new mindset that I was shifting towards of being more positive every single day. I realized at the same time I didn’t want to tell people what they should do and much less hear what they thought I should be doing.

Should turns people off, shut us down and usually are followed by a strong opinions or statements

So I replaced should with “I will”. I will have a smoothie today, I will launch in December, and I will be a happier person. Not only does that sound better but it makes me feel so much happier. It is more hopeful, refers to the future and is much more result intended.

Next is the word “But”

Well every time I hear this word or say this word I know it precedes something that is going to be negative. For example; You did a great job but you are always late. This sounds so harmful, judgmental and really the focus is on what comes after but. We tend to forget what was even said in the first half of the sentence. we wait in anticipation for the outcome. So I replace “but” with “and”. Listen to this; You did a great job and you are always late. Doesn’t that sound more neutral and less prejudiced? When we hear “but” we irrationally wait for what is coming next, thus stirring up feelings of worry, negativity or perhaps stress.

The third is the phrase “I’ll try”.

Years ago when I was constantly reading self-help books, the wise and powerful Yoda introduced me to this concept. Why would I just want to try? I want to commit fully. if you only try there is room for failure. Be certain to achieve something, otherwise you will not be able to. I know myself if I say I’ll try I’m giving my permission to not go through with something. So don’t even replace the phrase with something else just get rid of it.

You are the executive producer of your thoughts and your body so make the right choices and eliminate these today. Be responsible and use your words carefully. They will empower you with positivity, confidence and hope!

It is truly fascinating how small changes can have a huge impact.