Fascinating in the Oxford Dictionary is defined as Extremely interesting.
My life is full of Fascinating Moments and is a story of hope and determination.

Hi! I’m Deirdre Cameron.


My life I would describe as “extremely interesting”. I am an only child. I was adopted the day I was born. I was brought up by 2 amazing parents. Their love, guidance and values were very strong. As a child and even a young adult you don’t really know how deep these are imbedded into your core. Little did I know that they would help me not once, not twice but many, many times.

Up until 10 years ago I lived a very “regular” life. I worked downtown all my life as a corporate professional in the financial and technical services industries. I got married and had three beautiful children and started to live a fascinating life. I would learn that my father had terminal brain tumors and was going to die. This news was devastating. I was pregnant with twins, my daughter was just a year old. Life was not so “regular”. When my twins were born I was thrown into a death spiral. I flatlined and required 24 units of blood and went into a mild coma.

My father passed away 3 months later. Shortly after that I had a severe choke requiring the quick action of a brilliant emergency doctor. Years later I went through a divorce. The same year my mother got sick and died five weeks later. 12 years after the twin birth a complication required intricate surgery. I have been lost, I have been scared, and I have had no clue what to do.

I decided to make a leap one day and engage in life. I taught myself how to become more grateful, more present, more relaxed, to exercise daily and eat well; all resulting in creating a life full of more richness and clarity.

As a result I have learned to ask questions, listen and lead by example. I teach, challenge and inspire people, encouraging them to be the best that they can be.

I am happy now.

My simple techniques and strategies are ones that can be put to use today. The coping mechanisms that I learned and taught myself I use daily because I managed to keep the process simple. It is one that is easily attainable. It requires some repetition and some practice and as a result it gets engrained in the mind the body and the heart.

I meet with individuals and teams and offer customized sessions, introducing my clients to various disciplines, practices and exercises. I meet in person or do Skype calls.

The end goal is to experience a shift in mindset, creating more happiness and positive successes.

Build a positive mindset.Motivate your employees.Experience group or individual,corporate or private sessions with me.


Inspire your audience.Make your events memorable.Schedule a speaking engagement.