Being The Mom and The Dad
With over 320 million children in the world growing up in single parent households, I am glad to be one of the ones that is redefining the stereotype of a single mom. I am happy to be breaking the predominant tale that a 2-parent family is superior.
I remember growing up noticing the strength that my dad always had and the gentle, but fierce compassion my mom always had. They would both go off to work, I would go off to school and at the end of the day our roles as father, mother, and daughter were in high gear.
Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
Now, 50 years later, I find myself in a fascinating and I guess what they call yet another stereotype: the single mom.
What is that role anyways?
I am not 100% sure and I actually dont care, but I can share with you that my life as a single mom of three kids is one of the most life altering shifts I’ve experienced. When I surrounded myself with the right tools (support of those around you and YouTube), I quickly took on the role of the mom and the dad around our house. I decided to make being a single parent fun and manageable. I was going to make it an incredible gift that allows me to shape the minds of my children and inspire them in oh so many different ways.
“Momma can do it”.
Almost always, when you ask the following questions around here, you get the same answer. Who feeds the cat, who takes out the garbage, who BBQ’s, who paints the fence, who levels the flagstone, who changes light bulbs and sets timers, who mows the lawn, who blows the leaves, who power sprays, who builds the furniture, who washes the windows, who snow blows, who’s at every single practice and game, who coaches and drives the teams, and last but not least, who brings us flowers?
“Sigh”…… It is with great pleasure I can tell you my kids say “my mom”.
Of course, as they get older I will have more help, but in the meantime, how wonderful for them to see that anyone can learn to do anything. I have taught myself so much and find it very fulfilling and rewarding. I have learned to give myself a pat on the back and teach my kids about self affirmations and appreciations. More importantly there isn’t much of a difference between what a mom and dad does around this household.
This is the role I embrace. We have a thriving home full of rich traditions and talents of many kinds!Life doesn’t always work out the way it starts and that’s that. Life goes on.
I’ve got this.